This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, management committee members, users and the general public.

This policy has been drawn up in response to and in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 .

The Executive Committee of Beverley Braves RLFC is aware that it has a responsibility to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions which are safe, healthy and comply with all statutory requirements and codes of practice for all staff, volunteers, management committee members, users and the general public.

Beverley Braves RLFC will, so far as is reasonably practicable, pay particular attention to:

  1. The provision and maintenance of equipment and systems of work and ensure they are in a fit and safe state
  2. Involving and motivating staff and volunteers in health and safety matters
  3. Controlling situations which may threaten life, health or property
  4. The maintenance of a working environment that is safe, without risks to health and provides adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work

The Procedure

The Executive or Management Committee is responsible for safety in Beverley Braves RLFC and will monitor the policy; it will be reviewed annually. The Executive Committee will ensure that sufficient resources are available to provide any health and safety equipment, personal protective equipment, training in manual handling where appropriate, and the provision of eye tests for those who habitually use display screen equipment. Information and training for staff and volunteers will be provided, as far as is reasonably practicable, to achieve and maintain a high standard of safety.

The Safety Officer – , whose responsibilities cover maintenance of safety records; investigation of accidents; providing accident statistics; and keeping a watching brief on changing safety legislation. He/she will report directly to the Executive/Management Committee and they will also, with a view to prevention of future occurrences, carry out full investigations of accidents.

The Safety Officer has responsibility to provide leadership and to promote responsible attitudes towards health and safety. Any managers will ensure that all staff and volunteers are given induction training into health and safety procedures. All new staff and volunteers will be shown the location of First Aid boxes, fire exit doors, and fire fighting equipment. Managers will ensure good housekeeping standards. They will review periodically all new and existing equipment with reference to mechanical and operational safety, and carry out regular safety checks and audits

All staff and volunteers have a responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves, their colleagues and others affected by their actions or omissions at work. They are expected to follow Beverley Braves RLFC’s procedures in particular, to report any incidents that have or may have led to injury or damage. All staff and volunteers should ensure that they use any equipment provided in accordance with training that they have received. They should report any serious or imminent danger and any shortcomings that they see in the protection arrangements, to their manager or Safety Officer.

Violence at Work

Violence at work can be defined as:

“any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted by a member of the public in circumstances arising out of the course of his or her employment” (The Health and Safety executive leaflet ‘Violence to Staff’,1990).

This may also include any form of verbal abuse, any form of harassment due to any of the discriminations identified within Equal Opportunities policy, as well as any other threatening behaviour and physical attack.

Beverley Braves RLFC is committed to ensuring the personal safety of its staff and volunteers while they are within the working environment. Therefore Beverley Braves RLFC will:

• Implement procedures that will be followed at all times to minimize risk and develop safe working practices
• Provide equipment such as personal alarms where necessary
• Maintain a report/record system
• Provide up to date information and training on personal safety issues
• Review systems and procedures on a regular basis

Staff and volunteers are required to:

• Follow the procedures set out with regard to personal safety (groups should set these out as separate appendices)
• Report any incident which comes under the definition above
• To report any incident where there was a feeling of threat
• To inform their line manager or Safety officer of any new or increased risk in their work

NB: Beverley Braves RLFC has a separate policy on lone working where applicable.


In the event of an accident, all staff and volunteers must report full details to their line manager or Safety Officer as soon as possible. Accidents will be reported to the inspecting authority as and when necessary. The line manager and Safety Officer will investigate all accidents. The Safety Officer will ensure that necessary action is taken to prevent recurrence.

First Aid

During induction, all staff and volunteers will be shown the location of the nearest First Aid box. First Aid boxes will be placed in appropriate places and clearly signposted. First Aid training will be provided for named staff or volunteers on an annual basis. Names of First Aiders will be posted on notice boards for staff members, volunteers and service user’s information.


Fire exits must be kept clear from obstruction. Fire doors must be kept shut at all times. Fire regulations are displayed in working areas. All staff and volunteers must receive information and training upon fire equipment and how to use it.

Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment is normally safe, provided it is properly installed and regularly inspected. Remember that water and liquids are conductors of electricity and their associations with faults caused by, for example, damaged cables, flexes, plugs and sockets, the overloading of circuits and fuses would make the shock more severe. Therefore:

NEVER touch electrical equipment with wet hands; or move any portable equipment without disconnecting it from the mains; or make electrical repairs or do other electrical work unless authorization has been given.
KEEP electrical supply cables and flexes away from wet areas, or from where they will be damaged.
ALWAYS switch off all equipment when not required, unless continuous operation is necessary. All defective equipment must be reported. A qualified electrician will check all electrical equipment annually.

Risk Management

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999), made under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), risk assessment is a compulsory legal requirement to ensure that all members and service users of organisations enjoy a safe and healthy environment. Risk management should be the responsibility of the Safety Officer or a small team, depending upon the size of the organization.

VDU users

An assessment will be made of each workstation to ensure that there is adequate light, seating, screen protection, foot rests and support for typing.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Hazardous substances will be identified and if possible safer alternatives will be found. If this is not possible, then substances will be labelled and stored safely.

Manual Handling

• Do not lift objects which pose an undue strain
• Always check the load before moving it
• Avoid the need for handling wherever possible
• Always use appropriate aids
• Do not attempt to lift alone if two people are more appropriate
Training will be provided for staff and volunteers when necessary

Monitoring and Reviewing

Beverley Braves RLFC is committed to ensuring safe working conditions for all staff and volunteers. The Safety Officer – is responsible for monitoring these procedures on a regular basis and the Executive/Management Committee (Trustees) will review this policy annually.